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VCUSD Journal
School offices will reopen on Monday August 3 from 8am - 4pm.
To help maintain physical distancing, please adhere to the following:
All adults must wear a mask before entering the building.
Walk-in hours are from 10am-2pm. When you arrive for a walk-in appointment, please call in from outside to let us know you are here. We will work with one family at a time to ensure everyone's safety.
Use this link to schedule an appointment with Principal Dubinsky or email her at
Appointment times are available from 8-10am and 2-4pm.
Student registration for the 2025-2021 school year is happening online now!
Monday, August 17 is the first day of instruction.
All schools will open with Distance Learning, and families who would like their children to remain in remote learning for the entire school year must sign up for Virtual Academy.